I never thought the day would come when I would “skip” Sunday Morning Service, NOT because I was sick or tired or busy, but just so I could WRITE A LETTER TO A MURDERER; – one whose identity or whereabouts I do not even know, and one towards whom I am beginning to feel much more PITY than BITTERNESS, or ANGER – strangely. I take that back; it is not really strange that the negative emotions are dissipating and giving way to pity. The reason that is happening is because I am 100% sure that Aunty THEO herself would have wanted it to be so; she who was so LOVING, CARING & FORGIVING – to a fault even, if I dare say so!
Well here’s my
I just wonder how much you knew about the life, character and achievements of the COLOSSUS OF A WOMAN, (never mind her slender physical frame), whose life you so callously ended on Tuesday, June 5th. Would it have made any difference, if you had known how much she meant to her Family, her Country, to the Medical Field and above all else, to the God she so loved and worshipped? Would you have stopped in your tracks if you had known? I guess the answer will keep “blowing in the wind” till you are forced to give an account and answer to her Lord and Master when YOU stand before HIM. I cannot well-versed enough to speak to her academic achievements; It is the HUMANE, “AUNTY THEO” side of her that I know PLENTY about!! The phone-calling, emailing, encouraging, praying-for-all, so appreciative of the tiniest favor done her, being there-for all, just downright CARING Aunty Theo! Here’s one email from last year which does hurt to read, because, ironically, she wound up falling victim to YOUR “manoeuvres”:
From: Theodosia Mc Moli
Date: Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 2:56 PM
To: emonjimbo
Hi, Egbe, it was really wonderful talking with you a while ago. We must continue to thank GOD for the privilege of being alive to witness and yet survive through ALL forms of SATANIC manoeuvres/mischiefs. As HE enabled you girls to give joy to the old people in your lives, HE has just shown Ebob and so YOU, or US ALL, that HE spares the life of faithful servants. To HIM be the Glory and Honour.
Blessings always,
Aunty Theo McMoli
- OPEN HOUSE / DOOR POLICY Aunty THEO whose Lagos home served as “Home Away From Home” for Acha (my late Brother) throughout his stay in the University of Lagos, and whose BIAO Grand Messa home was home to Big Sister Ebob when she was transferred to Yaoundé and was still house hunting. Why would anyone wonder then, how she turned out to be Ebob’s first son’s GOD MOTHER?
- INVOLVED IN YOUR LIFE Aunty THEO who upon driving from PCC Bastos to CHU and finding that I had already discharged myself with my 8 hour old “first born”, got back in her car and drove across town (again) to “FIN CIMETIÈRE, NGOUSSO”, took off her headtie, put her handbag down, took off her shoes and spent the entire afternoon and evening just HELPING with everything from diapers to breast-feeding tips!
The same Aunty THEO who would call the instant she got to this country to announce her arrival and then just keep calling to check on you.
No doubt I was prompted to send her this email, which now gives me a little comfort because I hope it gave her some idea – no matter how faint and inadequate, how appreciated she was:
From: emonjimbo
To: temcmoli
Subject: RE: THANK GOD
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 11:53:06 -0400
Amen oh, Aunty! And I thank God for putting you in our lives!! What a Blessing!! Hope you were able to view the pictures. I have just put your invitation booklet in the mail.
God bless you!!
- The Aunty THEO who CARED DEEPLY about family members, taking care of both Pa and Ma Mbiwan’s many and varied eye issues both in her Mutengene eye clinic and “à domicile”, when they tried to “dodge” their appointments! I might have thought it was just my impression that she was really fond of my Dad – her “Big Brother”, Pa Ebai, but she put an end to any guessing or doubts when she DID the following, in the wake of his passing last August:
- Sent flowers to Houston where a wake was held in his honor:
- Sent the email below to Big Sis Ebob which SPEAKS VOLUMES
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Theodosia Mc Moli
To: ebobmtanyi; Didi Ndando
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 1:39 PM
Dear Ebob,
GOD`s appointment MUST be respected, no bargaining. May Brother/Pa`s soul rest in peace.
Poor me, I have to miss this LAST ceremony also. I am returning to Cameroon on 31 August, after all ceremonies.
I have just spoken with Mr. Bessong Simon Oben of GCE Board. He will give you XXXXXX CFA any of these days. It is a small token support from me and my 4 siblings, for you and your sisters in the `hectic` preparations facing you now. Mrs. Yembe might be able to attend if her husband`s recent relapse health status permits.
I am sending you also in the next 48 hours, a small write-up.
May his soul rest in perfect peace.
Aunty Theo
… AND here is the “SMALL WRITE-UP” she DID send - and there is absolutely nothing "small" about it!
Bye Brother
You and your nanny; Ma Susanna Ebainsoh Oben, certainly shared a unique understanding! She was ever so happy, beaming and blushing, in spite of the melanin pigments, each time you found time to visit her, while you looked on amused. Then as if in keeping with” your two man secret”, she crossed the Jordan ahead of you, on January 30th 2007 to get ready to baby-sit for you.
Wow such luck! You were certainly divinely favored. – Fancy the unique in-retrospect “fare well” party initiated by the primary branches of your “mustard- seed” efforts; in it you were flanked by your “best boh” whom you have left behind, family members, friends’, well-wishers etc. And then that smooth transitions – obviating usual final medical gymnastics! – what a blessing, following so many years of extra time and free kicks!
What I always remembered
At an incidental meeting in Ibadan (1956) during my long vacation (I was in form 3 then), you accurately attributed my recurrent disturbing frontal headache to “eye strain” and paid for my first in life pair of glasses. These kept me comfortable throughout my secondary school. You were already an engineer but remembered your optical physics! I am conscious that later you went into hotel management and farming too later in life.
Praise GOD who blessed us all with unique gifts and talents through you. We thank HIM specially for the smooth exit from the world you contributed so much to.
As your nanny awaits you there, may GOD in HIS infinite mercies grant you perfect peace at the side of Jesus.
Theodosia Eyong Ojongtambia McMoli and siblings, - Jedida Zumarfor, Faustina Yembe, Jasper and Cyril Ojongtambia- your late nanny’s children.
If I can be very honest and blunt, I have to say that I Thank God that Papa preceded her “Up There” ! Who would have wanted to be the “badluck person” to have to break this kind of news to him at 86??!!
Well, Mr. MURDERER; Let me ask you again: Would you have gone through with your NEFARIOUS plan if you knew ALL of this – from just one tiny fraction of the multitude this woman you slew touched? If your answer is still “YES”, then GOD HELP YOU! In any case, it really doesn’t matter to ME what your answer is. Your one heinous act may have brought Aunty THEO’s life to an abrupt and grossly undeserved end but it CANNOT erase all the GOOD she did, for which she will ALWAYS be honored and remembered! She will LIVE ON in the hearts and minds of those she touched and her LEGACY will continue UNBLEMISHED – and that’s what counts.
Egbe Mbiwan Monjimbo